Friday, December 29, 2006


Christmas just past.. I celebrated this year's Christmas with my famiie.. And some of my friends.. That nite actually oso celebrated for my friends who are going to America.. That nite was so happy but oso feel wif sadness.. My niece and nephew come to my house oso.. We have shau-shabu party.. My nephew so funny.. He want to drink what I drink, by that time, I am drinking alchohol.. When I ask to my nephew's dad, he say just let him drink.. Then I really let him drink.. Haha.. After he drink, his face turn red.. So funny.. Guess wad, he is just 2 years old kid.. Haha.. We all laugh till stomache.. If I have time to take the pic, sure I let u all c.. Haha.. After that, all my friends spent their Christmas nite having karaoke in my house.. While they are having karaoke, I went up to my room by taking few tin of alchohol and drink them myself at top of my house.. Place like balcony and roof lor.. I am so happy when I saw a Christmas msg from a friend who have been lost contact wif me for so long.. He wish me Merry Christmas.. Really miss him.. Haha.. So sad that I cant celebrate my Christmas wif my bf.. But nvm lar.. At least we got play sms.. I am really drunk that nite till I cant even walk back to my room.. Haha.. At last my friends carried me back to my room.. Luckily my room is not far from where I get drunk.. Hehe.. O M G rite??!! Actually I have been long time din drink alchohol.. And never get drunk.. But duno why tis time its easy for me to get drunk.. I m so headache after that nite.. I wake up late for the next morning.. Haha.. Luckily not late for work.. The next morning, my 2 friends who are going to America come to my house.. We take few photo together.. They almost cry when they are leaving.. I miss them so much.. Even I just noe them for few months, but they are really good friends.. They are friendly.. Kind.. Caring.. I really hope they are fine in America.. I will catch up for them to America soon.. That's mean I am going America soon.. Haiz.. I have left my "home sweet home" in KCH n now I have to leave my other "home sweet home" in Indonesia.. Wad la.. So sad.. Anyway, just wana say that I miss those 2.. Got to work liao..

Friday, December 22, 2006

I love u Forever...I promise...

那年他十九歲,在阿姨家裡度過唯一一次南方假期。她是鄰居的女孩,繼母對她不好。他第一次見到她,她穿著一條髒髒的白色棉布裙子,臉上有紅腫的手指印,滿臉淚水卻神情冷漠。 他蹲在她的面前說:「你喜歡小狗嗎﹖」他把自己撿來的一條白色小狗放在竹籃裡給她看。他說:「你笑一笑!我就把它送給你。」 他給了她一段快樂溫暖的時光,帶她去釣魚、捉蝴蝶、看著她的笑容爛漫無邪。她生日的那天,他帶她去逛夜市,送給她一枚紅色的蝴蝶髮夾。 他說:「你要相信自己,有一天,你會像一只蝴蝶一樣,飛    到自己想去的地方。」 一個月後,他動身去北方。在火車站裡,她抱著小狗不肯離開。喧囂的站台上,他把頭探到車窗外向她揮手。她踮著腳,認真地問他:「如果我長大以後,我可不可以嫁你?」 火車已經開動。 他微笑著哄她高興,他說:「可以。」 火車駛出了南方的小站,她孤單地跟著火車奔跑,終於追不上。那一年,她是八歲。 一直到他大學畢業,開始上班,他沒有再回過南方。她始終寫信給他。從小學生的稚嫩字體開始,一筆一划地告訴他,她和小狗的生活。他從來不回信,只在她生日和新年的時候,寄給她漂亮的卡片,上面寫著祝小乖和小藍健康快樂。 小乖是狗的名字,藍是她的名字。 三年以後,小乖生病死去。她在信裡對他說:「小乖已經離開我,但我心裡的希望還在。雖然我知道我不 會有蝴蝶的翅膀,可是一定會去自己想去的地方。 」 初中畢業的假期,她告訴他要去北京。他們整整七年沒有相見。他在火車站裡等她。從擁擠人群裡出現的十五歲女孩,穿著白色的棉布裙子,黑色的眼睛灼熱明亮。 他帶她去酒店吃飯,同行的是祺,他的未婚妻。他陪她去故宮,在幽暗的城牆角落里,他問她: 「你喜不喜歡祺?」  她說:「祺美麗優雅,是個好女孩。」然後在明亮的陽光下,她微笑著看著他。 她平靜地在北京過了一個星期,準備回南方繼續高中學業。 臨行的前夜,她的眼淚溫暖地掉落在他的手心上。黑暗中,他看不清楚她的表情,只聽見她輕聲的詢問他﹕ 「如果你以後離婚,我可不可以嫁你?」 他迷糊地說:「可以。」 清晨,她不告而別,獨自南下。婚後的日子平淡如水。祺兩年後去美國讀書,準備不久把他也接出去。他也辭退了公職,開了一家小小的酒吧,準備打發掉在國內的最後日子。他把自己的酒吧叫做BLUE。 他還是不斷地收到她的信。她說她很快要畢業了,如果考不上北京的大學,就準備放棄學業,來北京工作。 他說:「我過一兩年就要走的。」她說:「沒關係!只要還有剩下的時間。」 再次見面的時候,她十九歲,而他三十歲了。 他們同居了一年,直到他的簽証下來,準備出國和祺相聚。 他把BLUE留給了她。 他說:「你可以在北京嫁人,以後我還會回來看你。」她說:「我會在北京等你,但不嫁人。」 她依然寫信給他﹐一封又一封。而他也依然只在她生日和新年的時候,寄美麗的卡片給她。 他一去就是五年。直到和祺離異,事業也開始受挫,才準備回國發展。 在BLUE門口,看到吧台後的女孩,依然穿一襲簡朴的白裙。 她看上去蒼白而清瘦。 她淡淡地微笑:「你終於回來了,可是我生病了。」 她的病已經不可治。他陪著她,每日每夜。他讀聖經給她聽。在她睡覺的時候﹐讓她輕輕地握著他的手指。有陽光的日子,他把她抱到病房的陽台上去晒太陽。 她說:「如果我病好了,我可不可以嫁你?」 她的心裡依然有希望。他別過臉去,忍著眼淚回答她:「可以。」 拖了半年左右,她的生命力耗到了盡頭。 那一天早上,她突然顯得似乎好轉。她一定要他去買假髮。因為化療,她所有的頭髮都掉光了。她給自己扎了麻花辮子,那是她童年時的樣子。然後,她要他把家裡的一個絲緞盒子搬到病房,裡面有他從她八歲開始寄給她的卡片。 每年兩張,已經十七年。 她一張張地撫摸著已經發黃的卡片,和上面模糊不清的字跡。這是他離開她的漫長日子裡,她所有的財富。 終於她累了。她躺下來的時候,叫他把紅色的蝴蝶發夾別到她的頭髮上。 她問他:「如果還有來生,我可不可以嫁你?」 他輕輕地親吻她說:「可以。」 他曾經用一條白色的小狗來交換她的笑容。然後,她用了一生的等待來交換他無法實現的諾言.


一旁好奇的朋友问说:为什麽我打了你以後,你要写在沙子上,而现在要刻在石头上呢? 另个笑笑的回答说:当被一个朋友伤害时 , 要写在易忘的地方 , 风会负责抹去它;相反的如果被帮助 , 我们要把它刻在心里的深处 , 那里任何风都不能抹灭它。朋友的相处伤害往往是无心的,帮助却是真心的,忘记那些无心的伤害;铭记那些对你真心帮助,你会发现这世上你有很多真心的朋友...
俗语说:只需要花一分钟注意到一个人;一小时内变成朋友:一天让你爱上他;一但真心上 . . .你却需要花上一生的时间将他遗忘,直至喝下那孟婆汤...

A Friend... is a tissue when you can't
stop crying
A Friend... is a shoulder when you feel
like dying
A Friend... always listens when you have
something to say
A Friend... is a week when you need
a day
A Friend... is a crutch when you have
a brokenheart
A Friend... is some glue when everything
falls apart
A Friend... is a sun when the rain just
won't stop
A Friend... is your'mom when you run
into a cop
A Friend... is a phone call when you can't
leave your home
A Friend... is a hand when you feel
all alone
A Friend... is a wing if you want
to fly
A Friend... understands without
knowing why
A Friend... is an ear for a secret
to tell
A Friend... is an aspirin when your head
hurts like hell
A Friend... is a love that can never
let go
A Friend... is you,
and i wanted you to know!!
**** i hope the FRIENDSHIP betweenyou 'n' me
is more than forever and neverends ****

Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Christmas Hope..

I'm sorry, I love u... Tis few words are really meaningful to me.. I oso dunno why it's meaningful.. Juz feel that it's meaningful lor.. Nothing much I can say.. Christmas coming soon.. Really hope I can celebrate Christmas wif someone I love.. I really hope can celebrate Christmas wif Jos and Den.. And him.. Someone who is really important and meaningful to me.. My bf said he will give me another chance if only I can go to Tasik Malaya and find him..Celebrate Christmas and his birthday with him.. I dont even know whether I can go o not.. Wad to do?? Bside that, I am still new in Jakarta, Indonesia.. How I know how to go there?? I dont even know wad kind of place it is.. I only heard bout tat place.. I only know that tat place is nice and beautiful.. But I dont know where exactly the place is.. And I dont know how to go.. He said that I can bring friends to go there wif me.. But who will go wif me?? No one!!!! Cos all of them are stress.. They won go wif me.. No matter how much I wan them to go wif me.. Hope I can celebrate my tis year Christmas wif Jos, Den and My BF.. Thats all I hope.. I dont even know wad to do.. I just can pray hard for it.. Really pray hard.. Tats the only way I hav.. Pray hard to GOD.. Hope GOD will answer my prayer.. Really.. Christmas is the only way I can back wif Bf.. I dont even know when I can celebrate Christmas again.. I dont even know when I can see Jos and Den again.. Haiz.. Really hope everything will come true.. Forget something.. I oso hope Krawx will celebrate Christmas wif me.. But I know its impossible.. Even I wan Alan and Phin gor celebrate wif me, its also impossible.. Now, I only can pray hard to GOD.. Only tat I can do.. So wad I hope will be possible.. I really hope I can celebrate tis year Christmas wif Alan, Phin, Krawx, Jos, Den and My BF.. Really hope so.. GOD, Please listen to your prayer's pray.. I hope that I can celebrate my 2006 CHRISTMAS wif Alan, Phin, Kraw, Jos, Den and my BF.. And hope my mom will hav a nice and good CHRISTMAS wif her friends in MALAYSIA.. Really hope mom will go MALAYSIA wif her friends.. So I can celebrate CHRISTMAS wif all my friends.. And hope I can really celebrate CHRISTMAS wif ALAN,PHIN,KRAWX,JOS,DEN n BF.. Thanks GOD for listening to my pray.. On the name of Jesus Christ I pray.. Amen..

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I'm Sorry everyone...Laz blog..

Hi everyone...How r u all??Dunno u all got read my blogs o not but juz wanna say tat tis mayb is my laz blog..duno next time still got chance to write blogs o not.. bcos I have told my doctor tat I cant stand with the wash blood pain..Its really pain.. I stop it.. So I dunno wad will happen to me..My kidney really damaged liao.. I duno till when I can survive.. Duno I stil got chance to see u all o not... Dunno wad will happen to me.. But I really will miss u all.. I really sorry to u all.. Sorry tat I cant keep my promiz that I made to u all.. Especially Krawx and Dennis... I m so so so sorry... Anyway.. I will owes put u all in my mind n heart.. I will owes remember u.. Take care u all.. Bye.. See u all when I got chance.. If I stil in this world lor.. Hehe.. GBU = God Bless U... Bye guys and gals.. Bye didi and mui mui... Bye gor gor and jie jie..

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Last nite, many things turn into my mind.. I play sms wif my fren, but the other side, I m thinking of my past.. Ever I love someone.. Someone tat who is really meant to be my love one forever.. But something happen n we broke.. I love him with all my heart.. I love him with all my mind.. first when I love him, I din tell him,bcoz I m scare tat my love is not responding.. But guess wad, my love is responding.. After all, its only my thinking.. He love me.. He love me with all his heart too.. He treat me very good.. For me, he is everything.. He really treat me very good.. N I started to depends on him.. But my love is still like before.. Never ends up happily.. Mayb bcos I never tell him that I love him.. He is busy.. He always go out town.. He said tat he is going there to do business.. But wad I heard from his friend is he go there play.. N tis friend of his, suddenly appear n said he like me.. He treat me good.. In an accident, I accept him.. The other hand I know that I just feel pity to him.. But I dont want to hurt him.. Not long after tat, my bf realize bout it.. He is so angry.. He is so so sad.. He sms me n angry to me.. I explained to him.. But he said he is angry to me.. He is dissappointed with me.. I really duno wad to do.. He is the second boy who I cry for.. I din sleep for whole nite.. Till 4am then I sleep.. Really duno wad to do.. Actually I really dun wan to lost him.. I cant stop thinking why am I so stupid.. I just realize that I really love him.. I just realize that how much he meant to me.. I just realize that he is everything to me.. I just realize that my love only meant to him.. This few days, I cant stop thinking of him.. Cant take him out of my mind.. Wad should I do?? I broke up with his friend.. The friend that cause all tis problems.. Now I just feel that I am so stupid to believe what his friend said.. I duno why his friend is so selfish.. He talk bad things bout my bf just to let me broke with my bf so that he can get me.. I really hate this kind of man.. Damn it.. I really duno why is it like this.. He is so stupid.. He is so selfish.. I m so regret tat I listen to him.. Really regret.. I won believe anyone who say bad things bout my bf anymore.. Bcos it just destroy my relationship wif him.. I hate them who say bad things bout my bf without any prove.. Really hate.. Dunno why there are people like this.. Damaged people's relationship just to make themselves happy.. So selfish.. Selfish.. Hate.. Hate.. Hate.. My bf said tat he is dissappointed with me.. He is so sad.. His heart so pain.. He said that he just wana b friend with me.. This is the first time my bf say he wan broke wif me.. No bf ever say tat to me.. So for me, that feels very pain.. Cant stand the pain.. My heart like bleeding.. OmG.. Haiz.. But if he really wana broke, then broke lor.. Cos I knew tat I love him.. So for me, the most important not to have him.. But to see him happy.. If he is happy, then I will be happy too.. I dont wan much.. Just want to see him happy.. Just wan him to be happy.. Thats all.. This time I really love him, and I dont know whether I can forget him o not.. But as I noe, I never forget everyone who ever come in my world.. No matter how much space they are in my world, I won n never forget them.. My life bcome colourful after he came in.. My world full of happiness.. My mind full of him.. But after this, I really duno wad to do.. I really duno wad I should.. I really dont mean to hurt him.. I really dont mean to make him sad.. I really dont noe wad to do.. I am so confused.. My life totally change after we quarrel.. Really hope everything never happen.. K la.. Really duno wad to say anymore.. So sad.. So sienz.. Feel wanna cry..

Oh yeah, today my phin gorgor got chat wif me o.. He read my blogs.. Then he scold me for not telling him.. He scold me make him read all my blog.. He said I forget him.. But to tell the truth, I din forget him.. I won and never forget him.. He said I forget him and alan.. I said, I won forget him and alan.. And will never forget him and alan.. He oso asked me not to forget didi.. Haha.. Didi in chinese is small bro rite?? But actually he is my gor gor o.. I won and never forget didi,alan n phin.. Thats my promise to him.. Bcos they are oledi someone I treat as family.. Someone that is important to me.. Someone who I won and never forget.. Ei, guess wad, phin gorgor said he miss me o.. Hahaha.. Never come out from my mind that he will say so.. Hehehe.. So happy when see him said that.. Hehe.. Thanks gor.. I miss u too..

Love someone u wanna love before its too late.. Tell them u love them before its too late.. Show them u love them before its too late.. When everything is too late, its time for u to regret.. When its time u regret, the hurt in your heart will be very pain.. Remember, tell your love ones how much u love them and how meaningful they are to u.. Dont regret when u lost them without telling them that u love them.. Guys and gals.. Jia you.. Do wad u should do..

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

WaD's LovE ??!!

Nothing la.. Juz feel boring n nothing to do.. N feel wana wirte blog.. For everyone.. Let me hav an introduce bout myself.. I m a 17 years old gal.. I m a cheerful gal wif laughter n smile on da face all day long.. Never feel sad.. Never cry.. A happy angel.. A happy apple.. Tats wad ppl call me.. A gal who is very strong in facing any problems.. For me, mayb I m really like tat.. But do u noe wad I m before?? Before I noe bout love, I m a gal who owes get angry very fast.. Owes makes ppl get tired of me.. Owes cry.. Owes sad.. N in my thinking, wad is love?? Why is love so harmful to human being?? Why love owes makes us cry?? Why love owes makes us sad?? Why love owes wan to hurt ppl's heart?? Why love owes wan to take away my laughter?? Why love owes wan to makes my smile gone?? Why love is so selfish?? I hate love.. I never felt love in my family.. Bcos my family is a family full of hate, anger, quarrel.. No one can feel love in my family.. With parents quarrel all the time.. With brother n sister quarrel all the time.. Even between friends, I also cant feel any love.. Friends who owes betrayed me.. Friends who only noe how to pretend to b gud infront of me.. Friends who only find me when they nid me.. Friends who is selfish.. I hate those friends.. But wad can I do to them?? Nothing.. In my ex life, there is no such word as love.. No such word as friend.. No such word as family.. I duno wads love meant to b.. I m so tired.. Love owes come n go without my notice.. It plays in my life as it likes.. It comes n go like wind.. Without my notice, it plays me.. Fools me.. Make fun of me.. It comes n go like wind.. Shhuuuuuuhhhh.. Here love comes.. After a moment, u will heard Shuuuuuuhhhh.. Here love goes.. Fast rite?? U must keep ur heart quite so tat u can listen to the sound.. Grab it when u can.. Love will come.. But it also will go.. It depends to u whether u can listen to it n grabbed it o not.. Now, I can listen to the sound.. I can grabbed it.. I won let it plays in my life as it like anymore.. I won let it juz come n go as it likes.. Since I noe how to love, my face full with laughter n smile.. Bcos only with laughter I can stand with my life.. Only with laughter I can survive.. Only with laughter I hav friends.. Only with laughter my life full of colour.. Only with laughter.. All the laughter come from love.. Love tat makes my life full of happiness.. Happiness tat makes me happy.. Grabbed love.. Grabbed it before its look late.. Love come n go without telling.. All of u should noe bout tis.. No one can change love's attitude.. Love is something tat won tell us wad it wanna do.. So, grabbed love before it goes.. Don regret when love go.. Love anyone u wanna love.. If have problems with love, find me.. I can help.. U can leave me msg at msn - cute_bear6@dolphin.cheesecake .. or mayb in yahoo - .. or mayb in friendster - .. If lazy to find me there.. Dun mind if all of u wanna leave msg in my comments box.. Will be waiting for ya all.. Remember, love those u wana love before everything is too late.. Dun regret when love go, bcos love will come again when it is time.. Juz bliv in urself.. Happy always.. Laughter is best medicine for everything.. Remember my words n u won regret.. God bless ya all.. My love n support will owes b with u all..

Monday, December 11, 2006

WaD LifE meAnT ??

Yesterday was my 1nd wash blood.. Really cant stand the pain.. OmG.. But no matter wad,I will stil stand it cos I oledi promiz 2 my didi ( DennIs).. I will owes stand it.. No matter wad happen.. How hurt it is, I stil will stand it.. Yesterday I got chat with my gorgor (AlaN chEw).. He asked me bout my operation.. OmG.. How he noe bout it??!! N he said tat he noe it from Krawx.. N he is angry tat i din tell him.. Haha.. I m sorry din tell u.. Hehe.. So Pai seh.. Not dun wan tell u.. Juz dun wan u to worry bout me too much.. Coz I oledi giv u too much trouble.. Dun wan it to happen again.. Tis few days I m so tired.. So sienz.. So sad.. Not only bcos of my sickness.. But also my bf!! I noe wad I did to him is wrong but does he noe tat I m tired of him for wad he did??!! He din even giv me any news bout him for at least 2 weeks.. OmG.. Dun wana tok bout him La... Sienz...TirEd.. Sumtimes really duno y GOD plan my life like tis.. Wad is my life really meant to b?? Y I cant b wif my love one?? Y I owes hav to separate wif my love one?? Y all of tis happen to me?? Y it is owes too late when I found out tat I love Him?? Y it is owes too late when I realize how much he meant to me?? Y it is owes too late for eveything?? Y?? Y?? Y??
Below is wad I wanna tell him...

If I had to live my life without u near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With u I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
I dont want to live without u
Nothing's gonna change my love for u
U ought to know by now how much I love u
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for u
U ought to know by now how much I love u
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for u
If the road ahead is not so easy
Our love will lead a way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for u if u should need me
U dont have to change a thing
I love u just the way u are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help u see forever too
Hold me now, touch me now
I dont want to live without u

If really can, I hope I can tell him all of tis.. But I think it's all too late.. His fren even help me to think a solution so tat we can b together again.. I really hope we can b together again.. Haiz.. Duno wad else I can do.. I m really sad.. Really duno wad to do.. Really.. Haiz.. So sad.. Feel wanna cry all the time.. Anyway.. Cant write more liao.. Have to start working.. Bye all.. Remember, appreciated your life.. Do wad u can do before its too late.. Don owes regret for wad u did.. Think before u did so.. My prayer n support will owes b wif u.. No matter where u are n wad u did, I will owes b wif u.. Remember my words..

Friday, December 8, 2006

My SurgerY...

Today I am taking my surgery, my kidney surgery.. before I take my surgery, I read the blog that Krawx write about me.. I dun know that he will write that out.. when I first read it, I feel very happy and guess wad, I cry.. Because he is the 1st person who will write like that about me.. He seems to be know me very well even we juz know each other not long.. Now I am writing this blog while thinking of KRAWX.. Yesterday afternoon I play webcam wif Krawx, and we chat so much.. I took his pic from my com n our webcam.. Hehe... sound that we are crazy couple rite? But to tell the truth, I am really happy yesterday.. He even sms me to cheer me up.. Midnite, I cant even sleep.. Thinking of my surgery and bout something else.. I sms Krawx and he reply me n said he is writing a Blog about me.. Today when I look into his blog, i feel so happy and so grateful for wad he done for me.. He even curi curi take my pic thru cam.. hehe.. He is really a good friend.. A friend tat I really will appreciated.. Thats all for him...
Since I know everything bout my kidney, my life change.. I appreciated my life very much.. I treat every single day of my life as my last day, cos I duno anything bout my tomorrow.. Now, my life keep going.. Without knowing whether got tomorrow or not.. I am scare tat once I close my eyes, I cant open it anymore.. Tats y I owes appreciated my day.. No matter wad had happen to me, o wad will happen to me, I stil try my best to cheer myself up n cheer my friends up.. Not every one can b like me.. Cheerful to face every single of problems.. But I know, if I can do it, then for sure all of u oso can do it.. My life is so colourful after I know GOD n know how to appreciated everything n everyone tat ever past thru my life.. Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE if u believe tat u can do it.. Do wad ever u wan n can when u stil can do it.. Don wait anymore cos u duno when u will go away from tis world.. U won know wad will happen to u for the next second.. So, appreciated wad u have today.. appreciated wad u have now.. appreciated wad is infront of u.. Don wait till u lost them then u regret cos tat time when u regret, its too late to regret for it.. Don do anything tat u will regret it forever.. Chase who u like, do wad u wan, b who u r, Love who u wan to love cos u have the rite to do it.. So, KAMBATTE---
Me.. Now lets tok bout me myself.. I m a gal who owes cheerful no matter wad problems I am facing.. I oso won cry infront of my friends cos I don wan my friends to worry bout me.. N I don wan to see them sad because of me.. Cos I will be more sad if I see someone sad.. So, no matter how, I won cry o sad infront of myself.. Tats y whoever c me will say tat I m a happy go lucky gal.. I owes cheerful infront of them.. Even the sky fall down, I stil will smile to others n say, " dont worry, everything will be juz fine.. " I never want to make others sad.. Never wana c them sad.. Even I m facing many problems, I stil will help my friends tat really nid my help.. Will still cheer them up when they need me.. Cos for me, FRIENDS r owes 1st.. For me, FRIENDS r important.. For me, nothing can change the phrase of FRIENDS in my heart.. FRIENDS r owes everything for me cos I m from a broken family, I owes have energy to live longer.. The phrase FRIENDS is my only supportive thing so tat I can live.. Actually I have msg for Krawx..
Krawx, bear have read ur blog.. You said tat friend owes betray, friends r selfish, friends treat u as slave, friends owes refuse u n more.. but do u know tat not every single friend will do tat to u.. even only got 1 treat u as friend, u stil have to appreciated him/her.. Because one day, they will realize tat u r so important for them.. Help them when they nid u even they hurt u.. Do wad u should do.. Appreciated FRIENDS tat u have.. Even they hurt u deep, they r stil ur friend.. Mayb they did it not purposely.. So forgive wad others did to u n they will forgive wad u did to them oso.. Human owes did wrong.. No one r correct all da time.. Even one day u r hit by them, juz let it b.. Let them hit n forget it.. Do u ever heard a touching FRIENDSHIP story? Let bear tell u..
Two friends are walking on a desert, because of some small problems, A slap B, n B just pick up a stick n write " today my friend slap me" on the sand. After tat they continue their journey. Suddenly B fell down into a deep hole, A quickly left out his hand n pull him out. When B is out from the hole, he pick up a small stone and carf some word sounds : " Today my friend save me." A felt weird so he ask B : " y u write it on sand when I slap u and now u write it on stone when I save u..??" B answered, " Because I dun wan to remember the sad things happen between us. I write it in place tat is easy to forget. The wind will b responsibility to erase wad had happen. " And after tat, A feel guilty for wad he did. He said sorry to B. And after tat they start their journey again.
I dont know will u understand tis story o not..cos tis story really meaningful.. and as u know, tis story is told by a friend of mine who ever quarrel wif me for few weeks.. And now we r friend again.. I juz wan u to know tat, friends owes will make mistakes, but its depends on us whether we can forgive him/her o not.. So, forget every hurt tat friends gave u.. N try to forgive them even they dont know that they r wrong.. K la.. gtg.. wana go take some rest.. after surgery..
This is my 1st blog after my surgery.. I fail my surgery.. The kidney tat the doctor found stil oso damage.. So I didnt replace my kidney wif a healthy one.. My doctor said tat they stil need time to find a healthy kidney for me.. My health now is in bit problem but dont worry.. I will stil on9.. Because I stil want to see Krawx n listen to him hosting.. Krawx, thanks.. Because of your support, I dare to go in the surgery room n b strong while the doctor do the operation.. Its very painful.. Now I cant even sit straight.. So pain.. Its not worth because I din even change my kidney n I have to stand tis pain.. Really ridiculous.. But nvm la.. At least I don hav to stay in hospital.. But will owes go hospital to wash blood.. I dont know whether I dare to wash blood o not cos I know tat wash blood very pain de.. and very suffering.. Duno got energy go wash blood o not.. K la.. Take care guys.. Wana go rest liao.. Krawx, Thanks for everything.. But even I go thru my surgery today, I stil hav many days to suffer cos I stil hav to wash blood..